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Job Information

Ball Corporation Front End Operator in Manisa, Turkey

Further your career at Ball, a world leader in manufacturing sustainable aluminum packaging. Achieve extraordinary things when you join our team, and make a difference in your professional development, the community, and around the globe!

Ball is thrilled to receive Newsweek's 2023 Top 100 Global Most Loved Workplace award! As a sustainable product leader, we have over 16,000 global team members. From endlessly recyclable aluminum cans, and cups, to aerosol bottles, our goal is to contribute to a better community, society, and world.

Pozisyon zeti

Rulo halinde gelen Alminyum coilin ilenerek istenen kalite speklerine gre kutu ekli verilmesinden,Coil car, Ucloiler, Cupper, Body Maker ve Trimmer makinelerini verimli kullanmaktan sorumludur.

Temel Sorumluluklar

  1. Gvenlii, evre, Hijyen, Kalite konularnda Ball Ynetim Sisteminde tanmlanm kalite standartlarna ve yasal ykmllklere uymak ve varsa kendisine bal kiilerin bahsi edilen konularda bilgilendirilmesi ve eitilmesini salamak, bu artlara uygun alma ortamnn yaratldndan ve uyulduundan emin olmakla ykmldr.

  2. Ballun 5 temel deerlerini anlamak, uygulamak ve srdrlebilirliine katk salamaldr: Kim Olduumuzu Biliyoruz: Drstlkten dn Vermemek, Mterilerimize Yakn olmak, Detaylara Dikkat Etmeye Odaklanmak, Yeniliki Olmak, letme Sahipleri Gibi Davranmak

  3. Front-end Operatr, irket tarafndan belirlenen talimatlarn ieriklerinin tamamndan sorumludur.


-En az Meslek Lisesi Mekanik Blm mezunu

-retim ve Kalite konusunda tecrbe sahibi

-Makine Bakm ve Onarm bilgisi olan

-5S ve Hijyen konularnda bilgi sahibi

-Takm almasna uyumlu

-Hedeflere odaklanma ve gereklemesini salayan

-Kiisel geliime ak

Ball Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We actively encourage applications from everybody, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, faith, ability, or orientation.

When you join Ball you belong to a team of over 16,000 members worldwide. Our products range from infinitely recyclable aluminum cans, cups to aerosol bottles that enable our customers to contribute to a better world.

Each of us has a deep commitment to diversity and inclusion which is the foundation of our culture of belonging. Everyone at Ball is making a difference by doing what we love. Because what we create may change, but what we will always make is a difference.

Please note the advertised job title might vary from the job title on the contract due to local job title structure and global HR systems.

No agencies please.
