Job Information
Albany Medical Center LPN Specialty Clinic Coordinator in Albany, New York
HBD - Peds Counseling & Behavioral Health
Work Shift:
Day (United States of America)
Salary Range:
$47,921.64 - $71,882.46
Under the direction of the attending physician, RN, Lead LPN or practice coordinator, the LPN will provide direct patient care and assist in the following clinical functions to all providers. The Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) serves as the primary contact and coordinator of referrals for pediatric specialty patients seen at outside facilities. The LPN coordinates scheduling and care needs of patients needing outpatient specialty physician services. The LPN Specialty Coordinator anticipates the outpatient visit needs of a patient and assures appropriate equipment and supply availability for specialty providers for their patient visits. The LPN may also assist with clinical support of office visits, including but not limited to: patient rooming, chart updating, outside correspondence population, procedural support, both outside and within AMC facilities. At the direction of their supervisor, the LPN may travel to the outside facilities for provider support.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Obtain and accurately record patient’s vital signs
Documents components of patient’s history P a r t i ci p at e s in the c o ll e cti o n o f h o listic as s es s m e n t d a t a f r o m m u lti p le s o u r c e s, und e r the di r e c ti o n o f the reg i s t e red p r o f e ssi o n al n u rse o r l i censed i nd epen d e n t p ract i ti o n er
C o lla bo rates wi t h the h ealth ca r e t e a m t o i n c o r p o ra t e asse s s m ent d ata i n t o d e v el o p m e n t a n d re v is i o n o f t h e pl a n o f ca r e.
D e m o n stra t es a cari n g a n d e m p ath i c a pp r o ach to t h e sa f e, thera p eut i c, a n d i nd ivid u al iz ed care o f e ach clie n t.
Ass i sts in the c oo r d i n at i o n a n d i m p le m entat i o n o f an i nd ivid u al iz ed p lan o f care f o r clie n ts a n d sig n if i ca n t su p p o rt p e rs o n ( s).
Communicates in an open and appropriate manner with patients, visitors and staff
Participates in in-office procedures under the direction and supervision of a licensed healthcare provider
Preps patient’s chart for pertinent clinical information
Maintains inventory of supplies, and keeps patient examination rooms stocked
Adheres to AMC’s regulatory compliance issues
High School Diploma/G.E.D. - required
M u st h o ld a n d m ai n tain a N YS R e g istr a ti o n a s a L ice n sed P r a ctical N u r s e.
Obtai n s and m ai n tai n s c er t if i cati o n in B asic L ife S uppo rt (B L S).
Previous experience in a patient care setting - preferred
Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from physicians, patients and their family members or other employees within the work setting.
Physical Demands
Standing - Constantly
Walking - Constantly
Sitting - Rarely
Lifting - Frequently
Carrying - Frequently
Pushing - Occasionally
Pulling - Occasionally
Climbing - Occasionally
Balancing - Occasionally
Stooping - Frequently
Kneeling - Frequently
Crouching - Frequently
Crawling - Occasionally
Reaching - Frequently
Handling - Frequently
Grasping - Frequently
Feeling - Constantly
Talking - Constantly
Hearing - Constantly
Repetitive Motions - Constantly
Eye/Hand/Foot Coordination - Constantly
Working Conditions
Extreme cold - Rarely
Extreme heat - Rarely
Humidity - Rarely
Wet - Rarely
Noise - Constantly
Hazards - Frequently
Temperature Change - Rarely
Atmospheric Conditions - Rarely
Vibration - Rarely
Thank you for your interest in Albany Medical Center!
Albany Medical is an equal opportunity employer.
This role may require access to information considered sensitive to Albany Medical Center, its patients, affiliates, and partners, including but not limited to HIPAA Protected Health Information and other information regulated by Federal and New York State statutes. Workforce members are expected to ensure that:
Access to information is based on a “need to know” and is the minimum necessary to properly perform assigned duties. Use or disclosure shall not exceed the minimum amount of information needed to accomplish an intended purpose. Reasonable efforts, consistent with Albany Med Center policies and standards, shall be made to ensure that information is adequately protected from unauthorized access and modification.